Modelling tools
PCRaster is software for building probabilistic, forward, spatio-temporal modelling. It provides facilities for data assimilation. Model building is done in Python by using a framework for forward simulation and combining spatial operations which have been implemented in C++. It is maintained since 1990 by our team.
Campo is software for building forward simulation models that both contain continuous fields and discrete agents.It runs in Python and uses components from LUE and PCRaster. Development by our team started in 2020.
LUE is software for data storage and computation. The data storage component is capable of storing continuous fields as well as discrete agents. The computational framework implements operations on raster data that are parallelized over compute cores and nodes on a computer cluster, out of the box. LUE comes with Python bindings and it is the backend of our new generation of large simulation models. Development started in 2018.
PCR-GLOBWB is a global hydrological model developed by the Global Hydrology Group. Our team is closely cooperating with the group and involved in maintenance of the PCR-GLOBWB code and improvements under the hood as it is coded in PCRaster.
PYCATCH is a catchment modelling framework coded in PCRaster. It contains modules for hydrological and geomorphological processes. It runs at spatial resolutions between 1 m and 100 m and temporal resolutions between 1 h and 1 week. There is no formal documentation yet. For hydrological applications, please refer to Lana-Renault et al., 2013. For geomorphological applications, refer to Karssenberg et al., 2017, in particular the digital supplement providing the model description. For info please contact Available on GitHub here.
PLUC is a land use change model coded in PCRaster. It is developed and maintained by Judith Verstegen who is currently at Muenster University (Germany).
RiverScape is a software tool for interactive evaluation of river management measures.